Episode 56 Show Notes
We’re doing something different! Throughout our 2021 interviews, I’ve been asking all of our guests a few questions behind the scenes. We’ve put together their responses to the first of those questions which is, how is work changing?
Listen as all of our guests that have been featured on the show so far, give their thoughts on how work has changed overall in their experience. Many of them mention the pandemic specifically, but several also note trends that they’ve seen for years.
It is so interesting to hear all of their responses put together in this way and gives a great view of how work has changed in general and specifically in the office furniture industry from a very holistic standpoint.
In this episode:
[01:36] To kick off this episode, let's ask Jennifer and Jeff Hollingsworth of Darran the question of how work is changing.
[02:38] Jennifer says that work is becoming a lot more untethered.
[02:48] Kibibi shares her perspective on how work is changing.
[04:35] Bruce says it's changing because you don’t have to be 100% tied to a desk. We can work pretty much from anywhere.
[05:43] Paul believes that where people work is the biggest change and being technologically driven is an equal change in the industry.
[07:35] Brandi says that many people are realizing the work can be done from the home office but everyone needs human interaction as well.
[08:25] Tony thinks that everything about work is changing and the way we communicate is the biggest change.
[09:41] Boaz shares his perspective on the fundamental ways that work is changing.
[11:16] David speaks about the changes he is seeing.
[11:54] Jennifer says that where we work has been one of the biggest changes.
[12:28] Abby believes we are a much more efficient workplace than it has ever been in the past.
[13:08] Jim believes the pandemic has shown that x number of positions are more productive at home.
[14:09] Jonathan suggests that the biggest change is how working collaboratively has become a lost art.
[15:25] David says that he has never seen a time when an employee has been more empowered or when mental health and inclusivity has been on the table.
[16:21] Eddie believes the last year has taken on more change than has ever been seen.
[17:31] Pat says that the competition now might be Wayfair or Overstock instead of another dealer.
[18:04] Brian shares that work is changing in a way that is more about a total ecosystem of your personal life and work melding into one.
[18:41] Thank you for listening!
Links & Resources:
Connect with Jeff & Jennifer
Dutch Invertuals - Room Screens
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Today’s episode is brought to you by 2020 Connect. Please join them from June 14 thru the 17th for a free virtual event that will help you transform your business. You can register at www.2020spaces.com/2020connect.
The Trend Report is proudly sponsored by INDEAL. Partners in progress in the commercial interiors industry. To learn more about INDEAL, please visit their website at https://www.indeal.org/
The Trend Report introduction music is provided by: Werq by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4616-werq License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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