The Trend Report Podcast

Episode 117: Coaches Roundtable

Summary Keywords

failure, hospitality, book, authors, people, business, coach, experience, creativity, vulnerability, honesty, relationships, people, disruption, storytelling, stories, customers, team, employees, organization, leadership, discussion, collaboration, extrapolate, principles, roundtable, generosity, under promise, over deliver, promises, customer service, unexpected, experience, takeaway, service, memorable

Sid Meadows, Host of The Trend Report
Loubna Zarrou
Johnathan Howard
Russell Eubanks


Coach Johnathan Howard: Being a human in business requires vulnerability, you have to be real. And it's one of the things that will also help you get so much further than you would ever think. If you admit that you struggled on something if you admit that you had a moment where things didn't go according to plan, if you admit you had a failure in anything that you do, that's going to be what people remember, is going to be what people connect with because it makes you human. We don't connect with superheroes.


Coach Sid Meadows: Hey, friends, and welcome to the Trend Report podcast, where we have real conversations with real people about all things contract interiors. My name is Sid Meadows, and I'm your host. I'm a business strategist and certified professional coach, and a longtime student of the office furniture industry. And I'm excited that you're joining us today. And my hope is that you will gain some insights, inspiration and motivation that will help you grow and your business growth. So let's dive into today's conversation. 

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Coach Sid: Hey, everybody, and welcome to this week's episode of the Trend Report. I'm glad you're joining us today… and today's actually going to be a little bit of a special episode where I'm actually going to share a recording with you with me and three fellow coaches—Jonathan, Loubna, and Russell join me today to talk about the book “Unreasonable Hospitality.” Now you might remember I mentioned this book in Episode 111 with Jorge Anya from Henrickson. We talked a little bit about the book, and this is actually a replay from a LinkedIn Live event that we did as a coach's roundtable. We discussed this book and the importance of customer experience. So, really powerful conversation between four fellow coaches—me included. And I hope that you enjoy today's episode!


Sid: Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to this week's version of the coach's roundtable! Really glad you're joining us today for our first ever book review where we're going to be talking about a great and amazing book today, but before we dive into that, we're glad to have all of you here, please drop a chat down and let us know where you're listening from. 

If you're listening on the replay, be sure to hashtag replay to let us know you heard the replay, and please feel free to interact with us during this—we are monitoring the chat. We'll do our best to answer your questions and get to you as quickly as we possibly can, and with that, I'm Sid Meadows, and I'm a business strategist and coach, and I help small businesses develop their growth strategies. I'm really excited to be joined by these amazing coaches today. Jonathan, take it away—introduce yourself and pass it around. Please, sir.


Coach Johnathan: Absolutely. My name is Jonathan Howard. I'm the owner of Success on Social; I help coaches create content so they can reach their ideal clients and be their authentic selves. So I will pass it over to Russell.


Coach Russell Eubanks: Thank you, Jonathan. Russell Eubanks here—started my company, Security Ever After three years ago, where I help cybersecurity vendors get promoted. Loubna, over to you.


Coach Loubna Zarrou: Hi, my name is Luke. Now I'm a mindset and performance coach, and I help you slash any limiting beliefs, achieve meaningful goals, and soar in confidence and motivation. I'm looking forward to this conversation today. Back to you, Sid.


Sid: So I'm curious, I don't know that before we dive into how many weeks that we've been doing this, what we carry on? Do you remember?


Coach Loubna: Why are you asking questions you don’t know the answers to?


Sid: I'm just curious, because we've been doing this for so long, it feels great. Go ahead, Jonathan.


Johnathan: Was it seven weeks of the live, I think?


Sid: I do think it's seven weeks of the live stream. I think this is seven weeks, and this and we did the audio version before but you know, all of us are avid readers. I'm really glad that we're doing a book review today or book discussion. We're not really reviewing it. We're discussing a book by Will Gadara, it's called “Unreasonable Hospitality.” I don't remember exactly what year he wrote this book, but he's at the time, he was a co-owner of 11 Madison Park, which is one of the most famous restaurants in the world. It's a top 50 restaurant in the world. I think it actually made it all the way to number one. 

The book talks a lot about creating a culture, and though the book is focused on the restaurant industry, I personally believe that the book is applicable to any business. So let's jump in first and talk about what you thought the theme of the book was. I've kind of identified four or five things that I think were are the themes or the principles, if you will, that were discussed in the book. So, Jonathan, what do you think is one of the principles that stands out to you about the book?


Johnathan: It comes back to me like, one of the things that my father said, when I first went into retail, “under promise, over deliver.” Make sure you create an experience for every single person that you come across. And it's not just those people that are, you know, “deserving” of a special experience, it's everybody is deserving of a special experience and deliver it whenever you can. That was the biggest thing for me, I think.


Sid:Under promise and over deliver.” I absolutely love that, because it's so powerful. Loubna, what stood out as a kind of a principle for you in the book?


Loubna: For me, it’s a restaurant. I know that we're talking about a restaurant that ended up in the top 50. And eventually, in 2010, became number one on that list. But if we were to look at it from a zoomed out perspective, we're talking about a place where you can get food, different kinds of food. So there's not a lot that you can distinguish, unless you choose a specific kitchen or a specific way that you plate the food… 

So what I loved about the book (and also on some of the stories he mentioned it in his TED Talk) is that they looked at all of those restaurants in the top 50. They tried to do, or at least what he tried to do when he was co-owner of the restaurant was model the food and distinguish ourselves in the food. 

But if we really want to be number one on that list, we got to innovate something different—we got to be disruptive in the industry. Because as much as you can perfect the food—get the best chefs—it's about something different…

And I love where he shared that a hot dog was the reason why he thought about hospitality. Because for him, the principle is every human being wants to be seen and heard—and if you look at it through that lens, then being able to do anything to design that experience and have people live that experience is something that no one can take away.


Sid: So the hot dog story was one of my favorite stories in the entire book, and I actually heard him tell the story on the podcast episode with Simon Sinek. Then I read it in the book, and I was like, “Oh my gosh, it's so so powerful.” And in the book, he quotes Maya Angelou, who knows the quote, exactly, I don't know the quote, exactly. 

She's got several. It's the one about people will never remember…


Loubna: People won’t remember what you say, people won’t remember what you did. But people will remember how you made them feel.



And that phrase right there, I think is so important as we think about businesses. When we think about whether you're an individual entrepreneur, a coach, or consultant, if you're in a small company or a multimillion dollar company—it's really important to acknowledge that people remember how you make them feel. 

I look at this as all aspects of their journey of engagement with your organization, whether that's working with the customer service person on the phone, via email, on your website, or working with one of your salespeople, or the guy doing the last mile delivery of the product… People remember how they felt during that process. So I think it's a great highlight in the book. 

Russell, what stood out to you as a principle in the book that you really resonated with?


Russell: You know, it's interesting—you look at hospitality and you think of people that do that type of work. I remember that it felt good to be there. For a while, I was like, “Okay, this is really nice for people that work in hospitality.” Then I thought, “Wait a second… you don't have to work in hospitality to do these and exhibit these behaviors.” 

Whether it's serving a hot dog or going out of your way or the words you said in going that last mile—it reminds me of the culture. What's it like to experience that as someone? No matter what industry that they're in, that matters, and that really clicked for me. 

One of the things I do is cybersecurity. In cybersecurity, there's a statement that a lot of people have said, “Hey, security is your job.” People say that to marketing people, the salespeople, to the customer service people. It's kind of a common statement. 

But ultimately, when you say “security's everyone's job,” no one person really has that clarity of ownership, “oh, wait, it's my job. I have a role to play.” Itt reminded me so much of an instance where—oftentimes, how we communicate or set expectations to not just say “it's everyone's job,” but look at you, one person and say, “Sid, it's your job.” And “Jonathan, do your job” and “Loubna do your job”—by assigning us that individual responsibility, no matter what industry, that idea really hit home for me in a specific way.


Sid: That's a perfect addition to that. 

So Loubna, I want to get back to you for a second. You talked about the memorable experience, and that's one of the takeaways that I have is that, hospitality is about creating a memorable experience. He believes that the most successful businesses are those that are able to create memorable experiences for their customers. This means going above and beyond and doing things that are unexpected and special. 

So would you share the hot dog story real quick for the listeners so they can understand and won't have to actually read the whole book? Just share the hot dog story?


Loubna: Yeah, most definitely. So Will describes this story, as he was cleaning off tables in the restaurant, he was helping the service, and it was a really busy day. He listened to another table of four people who were on a culinary vacation, and they were talking about how they had been to some of the top restaurants and now that they finished with the restaurant they were sitting in and had beautiful memories… but what they didn't get to do was experience a hot dog!


Sid: Well, I'm gonna interrupt you for a second... The phrase is “the dirty dog.” So if you're in New Yorker, it's a dirty dog, which is a street hot dog. So keep going, I want to make sure we get it right.


Loubna: I read that I'm like, “I can't say that.” So he heard that and he thought, I'm gonna go get a dog. So he went, raced into the kitchen, put everything in the kitchen, ran back out to the very first hotdog cart that he found. Bought a hot dog, brought it back in, went into the kitchen. 

And then he thought, “How am I going to get this chef to present this in our style? Because he's going to tell me that I'm absolutely crazy that I even brought it into the kitchen…” 

So long story short, he eventually convinced the chef to do it, and he divided the hotdog in four different places and plated it up like he would do for any other dish… and before they got to the next dish that they had ordered, he brought them their hot dog. As he put that plate on the table, he said something like, “Now you won't have any regrets on this trip.” And they went completely mad.

You can all imagine something like that happening. They literally said that they appreciate it very much, and it would be a lifelong story. It was absolutely the highlight of their experience—that hotdog—and that they would spend the rest of their life telling the story to other people. Which, let's be honest, each and every single one of us would love to have an experience in such a way that it becomes a story you share with anyone and everywhere.


Sid: Absolutely. And what is it? What does that story do? It spreads the experience, but more importantly, it spreads the brand of the restaurant. It makes you want to go to that restaurant, and talk about an amazing form of word-of-mouth advertising, if you will. They tell that story. That person they told it to tells it somebody else, and then somebody else says, “Well, I'm going to New York next week. Let me see if I get a reservation at this restaurant. It's an amazing form of advertising, that costs you nothing but focusing on the experience that a customer had inside your business. Again, this applies to any business, whether you're an individual person, a coach, consultant, or a multimillion dollar organization. 

I have a couple more, and Jonathan, I want to get with you on this one—Hospitality requires vulnerability. He talks a lot about vulnerability in the book itself—how, in order to create genuine connections with others, he argues that you must be willing to be vulnerable and open. This means showing vulnerability and being willing to admit your mistakes and ask for help.


Johnathan: And first of all, it did cost him something—it was a $9 Hot dog, I'm sure, because that’s what they sell for.


Sid: $9 advertising.


Johnathan: When it comes down to it—yes, hospitality and being human requires vulnerability. 

Being a human in business requires vulnerability; you have to be real. It's one of the things that will also help you get so much further than you would ever think. 

If you admit that you struggled on something, if you admit that you had a moment where things didn't go according to plan, if you admit you had a failure in anything that you do—that's going to be what people remember, is going to be what people connect with, because it makes you human. We don't connect with superheroes. Even our superheroes have flaws, because they need to—we need something that's not perfect. That's how we connect. 

So when you are putting on just your human self, you're not pretending to be anything else. You're not pretending to be perfect. It allows people in, it makes them feel comfortable. You're welcoming him into your life, and that's a really powerful thing for people. So, it's not just about serving others, it's about being with others, it's about being present with others and sharing experiences.


Sid: So you're in a restaurant who sees the restaurant example, and something goes horribly wrong. If they come out, say, “We're sorry, we made this mistake, we made this dish wrong, let us make it right.” And they bring you something else, you forget (potentially) about the mistake that they made, because they revealed their soul and said, “Hey, we messed this up,” right? 

Let me give you a perfect example. We were in a restaurant not so long ago, and I ordered my steak a certain way. They came out, and it was well done. I cut it open and said to the waiter, “does this look like, you know, medium to you?” And he was like, “No, I'm sorry.” And then the owner comes over and says, “I'm sorry, we cooked your steak wrong; dessert’s on me.” 

We will never go back to that restaurant, he didn't fix the problem. He didn't really own up to the fact that their chef is new or whoever cooked is new and didn't know how to cook steak or didn't know how to measure the temperature of steak or whatever. So because of that experience, we will never go back. 

I think as business owners, we need to remember that the experiences people have with us—however real or not real they are—impact their decision of whether or not they're going to purchase from us the next time. Or they're going to reach out and call us the next time they need something. So I think it's super important to be sure that we're being vulnerable with them. 

Loubna, you look like you’ve got something at the tip of your tongue…


Loubna: I do, because it made me remember something. I know we're talking about restaurant, but I had an experience within a University of Applied Sciences where a student had been coached by one of one of the people there and it got really heated, really heated. But they were both exchanging words that cannot be repeated in any way, shape, or form. And I didn't know this. But the teacher, the coach was very upset because it was like, I've just been called all sorts of names. And now I see what they have written down. And I just, I'm doubting myself, literally what he said. 

Now, this is an older man. He's been educated, teaching and educating for many, many, many years. He knows what he's talking about. But because of that experience, it really made him question whether or not he was really being very critical of this person. He asked me to do a second opinion. 

I read about the very first half page and said, I don't have to read the rest, I totally agree with you. This is not up to the standards that we require to be able to give him his diploma. And I said, but let me talk to him. And I had a conversation with him. And at the end of that conversation, he said, this was really good conversation. 

And I remember because I had someone else with me, as a witness, I'm like, this was really well, I was prepared for someone who was really going to go with all of the complaints. But because he had a positive experience, he actually gave positive feedback, and he's still doing the work to get it done. 

So I know that we're talking about about restaurants. And I know that will, in his book, shared about what he did, to boost up that restaurant and end up with a number one spot in the top 50 worldwide. 

He's went on to say—every business should have a hospitality mindset. That means putting your clients and your employees at the heart of every decision. I like when I read that and thought, “Okay, I've written a whole book with stories of organizations who've made that transition.” 

So it can be done in a variety of organizations, small and large. But it does require that commitment and that belief and faith into that one statement, which is—“I'm putting my employees and my clients at the heart of every decision.”


Sid: So this is a conversation that we have every week, right? There's no script to this conversation. We just talk randomly. And Loubna, I just want to thank you so much for passing the ball to me, because you're bringing up the next point that I wanted to get literally like you just like threw the softball right at me and said, “here you go, Sid.” 

I want to go to Russell with this one. Because Russell managed teams for a long time in his career. And the other one, the third takeaway I have from this book is—hospitality starts with a team. A positive and welcoming culture in a business starts with the people who work there. 

He emphasizes in the book the importance of building a strong supportive team that is committed to creating an exceptional experience for their customers. So Russell, as somebody who managed a large team in the past, tell me what your thoughts are about it.

My follow up question is, how do you get your team on the same path as you're on, to ensure you're creating those experiences for your customer?


Russell:  I think a practice I learned and leading very, very large security teams is I had to recognize and spend time doing things that only I could do. So there was something if it's improving things, or whatever it might be, whatever those things were, if I didn't do them, they didn't get done at all. And some of this was to go and engage with other departments like marketing, and sales, and HR and finance. All the teams that are non traditional partners with cybersecurity. 

But I knew that if I didn't go and spend time with the departments and divisions I was privileged to lead,  nobody was going to give a flip about us, nobody would care. And we wouldn't know what's important to them, literally the reason why the organization exists. 

So I've never worked at a place that only existed because of cyber, I've been in places that it was a risk to lots of different types of industries and business. So back to the “what are some things that only I could do?”

I wanted to go set that expectation. I wanted to go not delegate, but to go put time on my calendar, and start to develop and curate relationships. And then perhaps it would be that I would delegate, assuming the rooms responsibility to someone else, as I went to go find someone say in charge of law enforcement to do that very same thing. 

So not just saying, “Hey, go and meet with somebody, Hey, go spend some time or buy somebody a cup of coffee and hope it works out.” But to actually model that, bring folks along with me or my team, and then eventually transition that so that I can go and do that same thing, repeat that process to help understand better why the company is here and how it's able to do this. 

So that modeling of relationships across the company that what's something that only I can do. And if I don't do it, it won't get done. A lot of that leadership, things just kind of fit in that model of serving and recognizing my role in an organization.



So I'm going to reframe the two things that I heard you say, the first one is build relationships outside of your department, right? Build relationships outside of your core function. 

Part of the reason why you do that is because we have to understand as an organization, that employees are each other's customers. We have to be sure that we're showing up for other employees and doing what they need us to do so that they can do their job, so that their job can be done for their customer. So I think it's full circle, and I really appreciate the way you explained it. But those are my 2 takeaways from that. 

Loubna or Jonathan, anything to add to that as relates to building a team with a heart of hospitality, or a heart of service?


Johnathan: I've got one that really stuck out with me, and I think it's something that is really important, but many people miss. That's to elevate the people around you, give them the recognition for the part that they play in the organization. They are the reason you're successful, you're not the reason you're successful. You are not doing all the work, remember to elevate the people around you. 

It's something that can translate to all different organizations, but in general, when you are around people that make you better, make sure you're elevating those people. 

All of you make me better, and I appreciate that. But it's so important to recognize people that do that and recognize that in your organization.


Loubna: In addition to that, one of the things that I loved about how Will set a lofty goal of setting the bar wanting to be number one on the top 50 list. But he also made sure that he spent time, energy, and attention on getting the buy-in from the team on that goal, because he realized that he can want to be on number one list, but they have to want it just like him. He had to bring them along and make sure that they made that decision with him. 

So then, we can have a conversation about “okay, well, what will it require from each and every single one of us? What will our individual contribution be?” 

I've seen so many leaders come up with lofty ideas, visionary, big, hairy, audacious goals, and they'd say, “this is what I'm going to be doing. And you just need to do this or this or that.” And I'm like, have you invited me to make that decision with you, so that I can contribute the way that I uniquely can instead of you wanting something but you only wanted one way?


Sid: But again, you just tossed me the softball to the next thing that I want to talk about. We are so synchronized. We really are. 

I think the other fourth theme that I picked up in the book was about—creating a culture of hospitality requires ongoing effort and attention. It's not something that just can be achieved once and then forgotten about. It requires constantly seeking out new ways to improve the experience for your customers and your team members. 

So to put it in a phrase, as hospitality is about continuous improvement, and he talks about this a lot in the book, and one of the things that stuck out to me was the experience that you got when you walked into the restaurant. Think about this as the experience on the website or experience as you walk into a business. 

They had no hostess stand, they removed the hostess stand, and the person knew as you were walking in the door, exactly who you were. So they said to you, “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eubanks.” It gives you this feeling because you didn't even give them your name. And they said, “No, your table is ready,” and they walk you straight to your table. 

The way that they went about doing that all the way down to the queues, and the little hand signals that they gave when a table was running low on water, so a server would come over and pour water in it. All this backend communication that they were doing, those are all results of constant, continuous improvements in their business. 

Each and every one of us individually, personally, and in our businesses have room for continuous improvement. So thoughts on that?


Johnathan: Yeah, I think any business has room to innovate, be a disruptor in the way things have always been done, and just make sure that they're getting better. 

For me, one of the biggest signals of a positive experience in a restaurant is that my water glass is never empty. I think when you look at it that way, it's simple. My water glass is never empty, but it's really hard to do that. It's really hard to do that. You have to pay attention in so many different ways to everything that's happening at a table, in order for that water glass never to be empty, and how can we make sure whatever that thing is that we use our waterglass? How can we make sure that we do that? And what's your waterglass in your business?


Sid: Oh, that's a great question. Russell, go ahead.


Russell: You know, back in the day, like, before I started marketing, I would travel a lot. So Delta would send me an email, “Hey, how was our flight?” or Marriott was send me an email, “Hey, how was your stay?” And I was used to that every single time I went, and I did a bunch of those, I would get that email, I would expect it. 

Now it's every Friday night, when we go out to our local pizza joint, and they get a pizza and then an hour afterwards, I'm gonna get an email in my inboxes saying, “how did we do? Did we feel the glass of water like you want it to? What's your pizza cooked right?” W

It's not a once a year thing or a once and done thing, but a continuous exposition to go and say “how well are we filling that water glass?” 

Just being intentional about that, and doing it over and over again, and being vulnerable enough to take that feedback and adjust and pivot and do things so that you can almost like reverse engineer and experience where someone says, “Yes, I love my pizza, I love my flight, I love for us to eat that night,” whatever the case may be doing that on purpose is gonna make a significant difference.


Sid: So when you think about continuous improvement, I think it's important to also empower the people around you to come in and the employees that work with you, whether their colleagues are somebody that works for you, somebody that you work for, to come to the table, not just with problems, but come with solutions. 

There is never a business out there that is perfect or will ever be perfect. You can strive for perfection, but nobody's ever perfect. And every business has its different versions of problems.

But when there is a problem in the business, whether it's process related or product related or program related—don't just come with the problem, come with a solution, or come with an idea for the solution. 

Then the team, as we've talked about before, this cross functional diverse team can come together and solve the problem together so that your customer has a better experience with you and your organization. 

Honestly, this is exactly what that book is about. This book is about—not let's focus on restaurants—this book is about creating a dynamic customer experience.


Loubna: Yeah, as you were sharing that I was thinking about the conversations that I've had to get to write them up in my book about all of these little things and, and 

I was reminded of the very first interview that I had, it was an organization in Amsterdam, here in the Netherlands. We were picked up downstairs by a secretary who took us to the floor. We walked through the restaurant, and she put us in a conference room and then said, “What would you like to drink?” and went to get us a cup or cappuccinos. 

We were looking around at that conference room because there were posters, and we were standing at one of those posters, and as she came in with two cappuccinos, she went and started to tell the story behind that poster. We were like, “can you please keep going?” She was so passionate, so enthusiastic, and there was a whole story behind a piece of paper, was a poster in such a way that both of us at the end, after we left it… we thought we want to work here. 

If the secretary who just got us from downstairs, helped us get us to experience this, the fact that she’s so enthusiastic—we actually kind of want to work here. 

We hadn't had the interview yet with the senior executive. I still remember to this day, that one experience better because the interview was like, almost two hours, and the stories just kept going. 


Sid: So I think you're highlighting something… I know that all these memories have flooded back to me about moments that I had really amazing experiences with a brand or with a business, whatever that it might be. Really what the the crux of this is, is to create an experience that makes you and your organization memorable. 

The last point, which I think really ties us all together, the last principle that I found in the book was—in your organization, remember that hospitality is a mindset.

Hospitality is not just about proving good service or a pleasant experience for customers, it's about creating a culture that is centered around the needs and wellbeing of others. Each and every day that comes down to our mindset. 

So I want to go around real quick, because we are over time. Jonathan, I'll start with you. We'll go to Russell and then Loubna, as you wrap up, tell us about next week. Okay, so any final thoughts or any key takeaways from the book you want to share with the group before we leave today,


Johnathan: I'll quickly share. I have 18 years of retail experience with Barnes and Noble; my office in the flagship store that I ran had an entire wall that was painted with chalkboard paint. And it  just said, “What's next?” on there.

Every single employee was empowered to come in at any point during the day and write down something that they wanted to do next, something that they thought we could do better, something that they thought would be an interesting way to use our, you know, our place at the university. 

It created experiences not only for the employees, but also for the people that would shop from us. To me, that's what we want to do in our businesses…

We want to know what's next we want to create with our people we want to create with our audience, and we want to make things special for people. I mean, I think that's just the whole idea.


Russell: Awesome. Create an environment where when there's a new employee, or someone new to the team, go out of your way to find the value of their fresh set of eyes. Where they won't be biased to say, “here's how we do things here. We've done it 45 years this way here,” but the hands on someone be able to invite them in and say, “Hey, what do you see? What would you change? What stands out to you? What did you think was gonna be the case?” 

And when you're here in our department, you find out it's completely different. So engineer experiences like that, especially when there's new people, invite them, celebrate them, thank them. And as a way to get that feedback, sometimes in unexpected ways.


Loubna: I would end with the question that Will remembers his father told him that started this entire journey that he went on, which was: What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? 

You start asking that question about your business, about your endeavor, about your community, about your mission, about your movement. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? What comes up for you? 

It may be as simple as, “I need to go get a hot dog from the hotdog cart,” or something else. Whatever it is, go through life like that.  


Sid: I'm going to wrap us up in a second. But before I do that, Loubna, tell us what's coming up next week.


Loubna: Next week, one of my favorite topics. I know we say this every week. But really we like to talk about things that we like to talk about. We're going to be talking about the power of having a mentor. 

Each one of us has, has had mentors, we have mentors, the power of having someone who's walked the path that you want to go on is extremely powerful. So we're going to be diving deeper into how did we end up with the mentors that we've had or have and what is the impact that they've had on us? And how are we mentoring others? 


Sid: So good. I'm looking forward to that. I just want to take a minute and say thank you to everybody for joining us today. This has been our first ever book discussion. We were talking about unreasonable hospitality. 

If you're not into reading or you're not a reader, go listen to his TED talk or listen to the podcast interview with Simon Sinek. And at the end of the day, I'll wrap this up with this is… 

Creating a great, amazing experience in your business and for your customers starts with you. You have the power to direct it all. And it starts with you. 

To Jonathan's point, grab that chalkboard, write out your ideas, figure out what you can do… And let's move your business forward! 


We'll see you later. Thanks for joining me today on this episode of the Trend Report Podcast. I'm glad that you're here. And I hope that you got some amazing value out of today's conversation. For more about our podcast and this episode and our other episodes, please visit my website at Sid We look forward to seeing you next week, and go out there and make today great!


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